Principal’s Message

Our children return to school with a SMILE

I really love to see the smiles of children because a smile represents happiness. Therefore, I have used “SMILE” as the mission for the school. St. Monica is a place for effective learning and quality education. The primary focus is that all staff must adhere to the “FOUR HEARTS“: “LOVE” to care for children, “CONCERN” for children’s growth, “CAREFULNESS” in observing children’s needs, and “PATIENCE” in teaching children. They should emulate the motherly spirit of the saint, St. Monica.

The meaning of “SMILE” aligns with the Education Bureau’s curriculum guidelines of “attitudes, skills, and knowledge,” as well as the school’s educational philosophy to nurture children with character and cognitive development. S: social skills, M: manners, I: introspection, L: language skills, E: empathy.

The school’s motto “cultivating love among children, quality education advancing forever” is upheld by incorporating government and external resources to develop the school-based curriculum. For example, by incorporating the principles and elements of the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), the school has spent three years developing school-based Chinese and English courses, using English storybooks where each student is the protagonist to enhance the transition for young children.

The school invited Principal Lau Chun Wah, chairman of the Principal’s Choir, to write songs based on the content of “Standards for Being a Good Student and Child,” which are integrated into the school’s behavior record book to foster children’s character development. By integrating the national education curriculum with the school’s SMILE concept, the school has developed a unique moral and national education curriculum with a focus on Chinese culture to cultivate positive values in students.

Additionally, every year the school organizes a “Parenting Certificate Course” for parents, inviting professionals such as Dr. Kong, founder of “Good Habit,” to conduct sessions on “20 Good Habits” for parents. Mr. Leung, director of the “Positive Parenting Academy,” also leads sessions on the “Positive Parenting” certificate course for parents because I firmly believe that just as we teach children well, parents themselves must also learn. As the school slogan goes, “With parents and school working together, children benefit deeply,” emphasizing the strong connection between parents and the school. Therefore, the school not only continuously improves its curriculum but also places great emphasis on the work of parents.